Last weekend one of my coworkers and I finished up a prototype Twitter bot we'd been working on. Read more about the PayScale SalaryTweeter.
You'll have to understand some Twitter parlance to understand what I'm about to type... but here goes anyways. To use the SalaryTweeter you can just tweet your salary questions at it. Within a minute, the SalaryTweeter will tweet back at you with the answer. Go ahead, ask some salary questions.
First post in a long time. I'm taking baby-steps back into this... so this is a pretty short post. Maybe I'll have more later.
So why do you have a Payscale blog called "Doing Boeing" still?!?
Looks pretty cool.
Being a Boeing employee is not for everyone. Some employees at Boeing love the fact that they are contributing to building the aviation technology of the future. Most of the employees that I know in Supply Management enjoy what they do. Then there are others who deserve, due to repeated bad decision making are forced into retirement like Scott Carlson.
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