Thursday, March 30, 2006

Who made them boss?

Why do the people closest to the window get to decide if the shades are open or closed? Yes, I realize there is a problem with glare on computer monitors when the shades are open, but every desk I've ever seen can easily be adjusted to elimate the glare. Yet, instead of adjusting themselves... the window-people make the universal decision that nobody in the cube-row shall haveth sunlight The best part is that people fight to get the desk by the window, then they chose to close the blinds and never enjoy the view.
-- UPDATE --
I thought this anonymous comment was too good to be missed.
Get over it. Torturing the inside people is priviledge granted to the outside people.


Anonymous said...

Get over it. Torturing the inside people is priviledge granted to the outside people.

Anonymous said...

i feel the same annoyance on airplane flights. sometimes i don't have a window seat and i want to look out the window during landing/takeoff, but those window-seat bastards close it!